
Milesight gateways provides MQTT API to invoke them to configure the gateway embedded network server settings. It is necessary to add a MQTT integration to an application and subscribe below topics to send requests and get responses.

Applicable Products

  • UG65/UG67: firmware version and later
  • UG56: firmware version and later


1. Connect gateway to MQTT broker referring article How to Connect LoRaWAN Gateway to MQTT Broker?

2. Custom the Request data and Response data topic names on the gateway, then the gateway will publish these topics to MQTT broker.

3. Subscribe the Request data topic and Response data topic on another MQTT client tool, then send request messages to Request data topic to configure gateway embedded network server, and receive response messages from Response data topic to check if the request takes effect. Download the MQTT API documentation at the end of this article to get corresponding request and response formats.
