
This article will describe the operations to get troubleshooting logs of Milesight network devices.

Milesight network devices support to catch 3 types of logs:

  • Device Logs for all problems
  • Cellular module logs for cellular registration problems
  • Packet Capture Files for transmission problems

Usually it is must to catch device logs for all kinds of software problems. For more complex problems, cellular module logs or packet capture files are needed as required. If you are not sure of the information of logs, click here to submit tickets to technical support.

Content List


Device Logs


1. Go to Maintenance > Log > Log Settings to change log severity as Debug.


2. Replicate the device problem.

3. Go to Maintenance > Log > Log Download to download log files and send all logs to Milesight technical support.

Note: since the log files are too large, please do not send log files with email attachment. Please send the files with a link.





1. Go to System > Log > General Setting to ensure the AP log starts recording. For UF31 model, skip this step.


2. Replicate the device problem.

3. Go to Maintenance > Log > Advanced Setting to download AP log files and send all logs to Milesight technical support.





Cellular Module Logs


1. Ensure the SIM card is inserted.

2. Go to Maintenance > Debugger > Cellular Debugger to send below command to open debug mode: AT+QCFG="DBGCTL",0


3. Click Start to recording the logs.


4. Replicate the cellular registration failure or abnormal problem. (usually keep about 5 minutes)

5. Click Stop to stop recording and click Download to download log files and send it to Milesight technical support.

Note: since the log files are too large, please do not send log files with email attachment. Please send the files with a link.





1. Ensure the SIM card is inserted.

2. Go to System > Log > General Setting to configure log settings:

  • Start or Stop MD Log: Start
  • MD Log Save Mode: select to export the log file via USB or Ethernet
  • MD Log Level: Debug


3. Replicate the cellular registration failure or abnormal problem. (usually keep about 5 minutes)

4. Contact Milesight technical support to export the log files.



Please contact Milesight technical support to catch logs.




Packet Capture


1. Go to Maintenance > Tools Packet Analyzer to select the interface or type the IP address/port which needs to capture.

2. Click Start to start capturing. 

3. Replicate the device problem.

4. Click Stop to stop capturing and click Download to download the capture files. 

5. Open the capture file with WireShark or send it to Milesight technical support.




1. Go to Maintenance > Log > Advanced Setting to click Start to start capturing. 

2. Replicate the device problem.

3. Click Stop to stop capturing and click Download to download the capture files. 

4. Open the capture file with WireShark or send it to Milesight technical support.



