
DeviceHub supports adding different roles of Milesight device management accounts for the device installers and technical supports.

Root: There is only one root account and it can create Super Admins, Admin users and Basic Users.

Super Admin: can create Admin users and Basic Users.

Admin: can create Basic Users.

Basic Users: have task-based permission, no permission to create users, usually for a technical support or installer.

This article will guide you how to create sub-accounts and manage sub-account devices.



1. Set Outgoing Mail Server

If you install DeviceHub in your own server, sub-account registration requires the DeviceHub to send activation emails to sub-account email addresses. Please set the outgoing mail server in Setting -> Email.

If you use cloud version DeviceHub, please contact Milesight technical support to create sub-accounts.

Click Test to check if this mail server works.


2. Add sub-accounts

Go to Setting->General and confirm the number of Managing/Max Manageable.

Go to Setting->User and click the Add button to add the sub-accounts. Below is the necessary sub-account information:

Username: The name of the sub-accounts.

Role: Super Admin, Admin and Basic is optional according to your account level.

Email: The email used by user to login in DeviceHub server.

Manageable Devices: The number of devices that user can manage. (Less than the number of Max Manageable)

Company and Mobile is optional.

After creating the sub-account, you can also change the number of manageable devices or delete the sub-account here.


3. Sub-account Activation

Sub-account will receive an activation email.

Click the link in the email to complete the sub-account registration.

After registraion, users can use the email address and password to login in sub-accounts.

Note: If the sub-account does not receive the activation email, you can follow the steps to send the activation email again.

4. Sub-account Device Management

Go to Setting->My Device, you can share the device permissions under the account to the sub-account.

Go to Setting->User Device, you can manage the devices under your sub-account including adding your own management permissions or transfer to other sub-accounts.

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